Ongoing Groups Sessions
Many of the best things in life happen when people gather with purpose

About Group Sessions
As social beings, humans gather, meet, and bond in search for meaning, purpose, creative expression, and connection. We are proud to be able offer ongoing group therapy sessions in order to support the overall wellbeing of our community. Our group sessions offer a place for people to gather with purpose with a common goal of personal growth and development.
We have strategically chosen a range of groups to offer, not only the clients of Conscious Mind Therapy Institute, but for the greater community as well. The groups described below are facilitated by our team of outstanding clinicians, coaches, wellness counselors, and certified instructors.
Groups are held in our private group room located in suite #103.
Pre-registration is required through our online system due to limited space.
Please sign up for our mailing list below so you don’t miss out on any updates for group information and upcoming workshops.
Group Sessions Begin April 25th 2022. Visit our booking page to view the availability of group sessions and registration information.
Please reach out and contact us if you have any questions.
Women’s Group
Men’s Group
Mama’s Group
Parenting Skills and Education Group
Applied Psychology for Teens
Anxiety Relief - Mindfulness, Mediation, Movement
EMDR for Trauma Recovery Group
CBTI Sleep Group - Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia
Women’s Group - Healthy Happy Hour
There is no greater power then a room full of women on a mission to make change. This group undoubtedly ignites and inspires women to live courageously, make positive change, and turn what seems impossible to being absolutely possible. The energy that is created in the women’s groups will resonate with you well after you leave the room. Having a powerful community of women around you can help carry you through some of life’s most difficult moments, because you did not have to endure them alone. This group is also focused on celebrating your accomplishments, strengths, wisdom, and beauty. This group gathers on a Friday evening at 5:30Pm making it the healthiest and most productive happy hour you will every have!
This group is Facilitated by Dina Ramaha LCSW and Co-facilitated by Rachel Shultz AMFT and Amina Benkelouf ASW
Men’s Group
There is a misconception that men don’t find it important to have connection or share their thoughts or emotions. Throughout the history of time men have gathered together in tribes and villages to discuss the importance of community, leadership, safely raising families, and how to provide for those who cannot provide for themselves. This common gathering has been lost over time as the world grew busier and more independent. This group focuses on the development of men’s mental and emotional well being as it relates to stress management, personal relationships, self care, and communication.
This group is co-facilitated by Jesse Tichenor, AMFT and Dina Ramaha LCSW
Mama’s Group
Being a mother is no doubt a life changing experience that can be the best of times and the worst of times. There is a powerful role we play as mothers and care givers to our families, but often times that role leaves us feeling depleted, insanely bored, unappreciated, and the last person on the totem pole of priorities. The worst part is that moms often feel like the victim of their circumstances with no ability to change them, when in actuality they played a huge part in how they got the short end of the stick. The good news is, there is a better way and you don’t have to do it alone. Learn to work collaboratively and effectively with your partner and family. Understand the importance of self care and how to make yourself a priority without the guilt. We invite you to come together to create a community of supportive moms with the shared purpose of living a healthier and more fulfilling mom life.
Join Dina Ramaha LCSW and Rachel Shultz AMFT for this inspiring group of incredible mamas. This group supports mamas with children of all ages. Infants and young toddlers (up to age 3 years) are welcome to join their mama if no other resources for childcare are available.
Anxiety Relief with Mindfulness, Mediation, and Movement
Anxiety has become an epidemic within our communities and these increased levels of stress often lead to poor emotion regulation, physical disease, and decreased levels of life satisfaction. This group focuses on managing anxiety levels effectively by implementing daily breathing techniques, mindfulness skills, and easy physical movements and stretches. Learning to be more present, worry less, and breath properly has the power to change your life in the most incredible ways.
This group is co facilitated by Dina Ramaha LCSW and Advanced Yoga and Meditation Teacher
Applied Psychology for Teens
Psychology is a fast growing interest with teens, so we decided to talk about all the things we wish were taught in our schools. Things like understanding emotions and how the mind works, the importance of self knowledge, the great power of effective communication, and how to be an awesome human. We have no doubt that the things you will learn will inspire you and have positive changes on how you relate to the world around you.
Truly understanding yourself and the world around you is probably on of the most important things you can learn during your lifetime. The world is changing in such profound ways, so giving yourself the gift of attending this group will help you to learn important life skills like stress management, setting boundaries, communicating friends and family, understanding anxiety and sadness, self harm vs. self care, and learning how your mind works. All pretty amazing stuff that helps you navigate through life. We look forward to it.
Join Amina Benkhelouf ASW and Dina Ramaha LCSW for this fun and insightful group for teens.
Hypnosis Group
Hypnosis is a state of consciousness characterized by deep relaxation and selectively focused attention resulting in trance. Once in a trance state, one is more highly responsive to suggestion or direction. This process allows the hypnotist to bypass the critical faculty (a sort of filter between the conscious and the subconscious) and give suggestions directly to the subconscious, or automatic mind, where all habitual and automatic behaviors originate. When in hypnotic trance, we also gain more direct access to our greatest internal resources, as all of our memories, sparks of inspiration, intuition and natural talents come from our subconscious mind. When in trance, we enter a profoundly resourceful state and are able to directly interact with, and influence, those powerful abilities that lie deep within us.
Group facilitator Joy Stroehmann.
Certified Hypnotherapist
For more information about Joy or Hypnosis visit www.innerworkbraincoach.com
EMDR for Trauma Recovery Group
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy technique used to treat anxiety and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
EMDR is a type of therapy that uses sensory input to help people deal with, recover from, and overcome trauma and emotional distress.
EMDR therapy uses bilateral stimulation as well as your senses to help you overcome trauma and psychological distress. By unblocking these emotional processes, EMDR therapy can help you, in a sense, reprogram your brain.
Even though EMDR therapy primarily uses eye movements, this method of therapy can also include other methods such as hand tapping and audio stimulation.
Join Jesse Tichenor, AMFT, APCC trained in both individual and group sessions of EMDR.
For more information on EMDR contact us or visit www.emdr.com
CBTI Sleep Group - Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia
This group focuses on improving your sleep so you can function at your best in your daily life.
Cigna insurance is billed directly. Please contact CMTI for special registration code.